The Department of Sanskrit was started in St. Joseph's College in 1907 with Sri. T.V.Srinivasachariar as the first teacher. The speciality of the teacher`s inspiration was such that one of his students called Mr. Menon dedicated to him his publication of the first ever translation of Sri Narayana Bhattatri`s Sri Narayaniyam, a magnum opus of devotion to Lord Krishna at Guruvayur.
Next came the doyan by name Sri. V.Gopala Iyengar, who became popular for his erudition in English also. Since the strength in the Sanskrit classes rose up, Mr. Moni joined him in shouldering the responsibility of the Department.
After Mr. Moni left, Sri. A.Subrahmanya Iyer was associated with him. Both retired after four decades of successful service each.
Later Sri. Bhoovarahan was appointed and he went to St. Joseph's College Bangalore to fill up a vacancy.
Rev. Fr. Dr. A.Amaladoss, S.J., M.A., Ph.D., having had his qualification from Karnataka University, Dharwar, came out with flying colors to head the department. He went for his doctoral research in Dyvanyaloka after popularizing Sanskrit Debate by gala functions.
Sri. K.Srinivasan followed him in the Department and made his exist into the Border Security Force. Sri. A.Subrahmanya Iyer was invited to help the students again to complete their course of study. Sri. R.Thirunarayanan, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., joined the Department in 1975. Application oriented courses in Sanskrit for beginners were started along with the autonomous system. The curriculum under autonomy was revised to include prosody as a new subject and modified to suit the present needs of the society, keeping abreast of the latest developments.
When he went for doing M.Phil., in Sanskrit at Annamalai University, a Kerala University Post Graduate was selected through an interview for the F.I.P. vacancy. His name was Sri. G.Prabha who was fortunate to join in a permanent vacancy at Loyola College, Madras.
Dr. Thirunarayanan has served his prestigious institution in the Department of Sanskrit for more than 3 decades.
The strength in the classes, thanks to all Rev. Fr. Principals, have been encouraging throughout the history of the Department of Sanskrit, St. Joseph`s College and by the Lord`s grace, we hope to achieve greater heights in future years.
Dr. M.S.Madhavachari is heading the Department of Sanskrit from 20.06.2013.
Sanskrit related to Modern Science
Dharmic ideas are embedded
Self discipline can be obtained
Works of Kalidasa, Bharavi Bhasa, etc. are relevant today
Chanakya's Artha Sastra - a Master Piece which is socially relevant even today.